May 8th, 2013
Class activities for Wednesday, May 8
Spelling: Students started marking Words to Learn lists from words missed on the last spelling test.
Cursive: Ten cursive sentences of seven or more words each are due on Fridays.
Reading: Today was a discussion day in Literature Circles.
Writing: We learned about using a metaphor in a poem. We read about a poem that used the metaphor of middle school as a pinball game. Students also continued to work on poems containing imagery, music, or emotion. A collection of poems with be due Friday, May 17.
Math: We reviewed multiplying mixed numbers today.
Science: We did an experiment to see how the number of daylight hours and the angle of the sun in the sky change during different seasons. Homework is to finish the graph started in class and the analysis questions on p. 26.
Social Studies: We learned about famous patriots that argued for independence from Great Britain. Homework is to finish the reading notes on notebook p. 3 about famous patriots.
- Yellow magnets: 1
- Orange magnets: 1
- Red magnets: 0
- STAR Awards: 3
- Magnets moved this week (goal: 8): 5
Check your student’s Personal and Social Growth grade online to see if your student moved their magnet.
- Check out our class calendar to stay up-to-date.
- View grades, assignments, and attendance online.
- Thinking of summer school or summer enrichment? Learn more here.
Our Mission:
All students in Room 130 will do their best and get ready for 6th grade.