September 12th, 2014
Spelling ideas
Students just completed a spelling pretest, so this might be a good time to talk about spelling:
- The spelling page at has a lot of information on how spelling works in Room 130.
- We’ll have 2-3 tests per marking period, and they will be included as part of your student’s writing grade (there’s not a separate spelling grade this year).
- Your student will not know the words ahead of time in order to study.
- Your student should study words they have missed on prior tests. We haven’t taken any spelling tests this year, other than the pretest, but your student can study words missed from last year. Your student has a list of these words in their Google Drive. The list is called their Core Word List.
- See the Core Word List here or print a copy.
- One way to use the Core Word List is to choose about 10 words each night. Make up a sentence that includes the word and ask your student to spell the word. The sentence is important because that’s how your student learns what the word means. If your student spells the word correctly, cross it off the list! Whittle the list down to just words your student keeps missing and needs to practice.