Class activities for Friday, January 27

Spelling: None today.

Cursive: Ten cursive sentences, seven or more words each, are due on Fridays. 

Reading: Students continued to practice a monologue by reading a section of text with good speed, tone, accuracy and volume. Today was also a reading skills and AR practice day.

Writing: We finished writing a literary essay together as a class (here’s our essay). A literary essay will be due Friday, February 10.

Math: We practiced dividing a decimal by a larger whole number. Homework is to practice math for at least 15 minutes using MobyMax Math or Khan Academy.

Science: Students completed a MiniQuiz about the body systems we have learned about so far. We also learned about the reproductive system. Homework is to finish the reproductive system notes page started in class.

Social Studies: We started to learn about what the jobs and everyday life was like for people in colonial America.


  • Our class will be performing a class play in March. Here are the after school class practice and performance times. Hopefully getting the schedule early will allow everyone to work out scheduling conflicts.
  • Middle school course request sheets are due February 14.
  • Have you set a Daily Homework Time for your student? Consider 15 minutes of math, 15 minutes of writing, and 20 minutes of something else to make a brain smarter!
  • Check out our class calendar to stay up-to-date.
  • View links to all the websites we use in class.
  • View grades, assignments, and attendance at JupiterGrades.

Our Mission:
All students in Room 130 will do their best and get ready for 6th grade.

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