Class activities for Wednesday, February 15

Spelling: None today.

Cursive: Ten cursive sentences, seven or more words each, are due on Fridays.

Reading: Today was a reading and discussion day in Literature Circles; some groups worked on summarizing and determining importance.

Writing: Today we worked on our next writing project, a persuasive letter about improving our country, by writing notes about core democratic values. Here are parts to a persuasive essay that we’ll be working on next week:

  1. Introduction describing a public policy problem in America (vaccines, fighting ISIS, body cameras for police officers, healthy foods for schools, etc.).
  2. Their opinion about a solution to the problem.
  3. Some kind of data to support their opinion.
  4. At least one core democratic value to support their opinion.
  5. A conclusion restating their data and opinion.

A persuasive Letter to the Editor (guidelines) about a public policy issue facing the US will be due Friday, March 3.


Math: Students worked on catching up with unfinished decimal division skills, or worked ahead with graphing skills. Homework is to practice math for at least 15 minutes using MobyMax Math or Khan Academy.

Here are some skills that should be leveled up at this point:

Science: We learned that traits can be inherited from parents or acquired from the environment or through learning. Homework is to finish the traits note page started in class.

Social Studies: None today due to our reading skills and AR practice time.


Our Mission:
All students in Room 130 will do their best and get ready for 6th grade.

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