Class activities for Monday, November 25

Spelling: None today.

Cursive: No cursive assignment this week.

Reading: Today was a reading skills practice day using MobyMax Foundational Reading and Reading Stories.

Writing: We talked about summarizing the problem of a story using this format:

  • Somebody
  • Wanted
  • But
  • So

These four words help a student plan out the character of the story (somebody), what they want, what is preventing them from getting what they want (the problem) and what the character does to solve the problem.

Students used these words to start prewriting their next story.

A fiction story is due Sunday, December 15. Homework on weekdays is to work on writing for 15 minutes. Your student should be prewriting right now.

Math: Students coached each other to work on unfinished multiplication with regrouping skills. We will take a unit test over this topic tomorrow. Homework on weekdays is to practice math for 15 minutes using MobyMax or Khan Academy.

Science: We previewed an upcoming book about animal senses. Homework is to finish notebook p. 8 if not done in class.

Social Studies: None today due to a survey about safety.

Character Strength: We are learning about gratitude this week.


  • Our field trip to the Michigan Capitol and Historical Museum is Thursday, December 12. Students need to arrive to school at 7:15 am and will need a sack lunch with disposable containers. We still need some chaperones. Find more details or request to be a chaperone here.
  • Have you started a Daily Homework Time with your student? If homework causes tears or battles, or if you have had to deal with missing assignments or low grades, read more about Daily Homework Time and start one with your student. It will help!
  • The pizza kit fundraiser for our Mackinac trip is happening right now. Money and order forms are due December 3.
  • Check out our class calendar to stay up-to-date.
  • View grades, assignments, and attendance at JupiterGrades.

Our Mission:
All students in Room 130 will do their best and get ready for 5th grade.

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