August 27th, 2023
How to get a million more dollars
The Free Money Finance website recently reported on a Fox Business article about the value of education. Here’s the average lifetime earnings of a typical worker working 40 years:
- Non-high school graduates: $936k
- High school graduates: $1.1 million
- Some college: $1.6 million
- Associate’s degree: $1.8 million
- Bachelor’s degree: $2.4 million
- Master’s degree: $3.5 million
- Doctoral degree: $3.5 million
- Professional degree: $4.2 million
What the article noticed was that workers graduating from college earn over a million more dollars in their life compared to a high school graduate. It’s the difference between $20,000 a year and $60,000. More than anything, this shows that college pays off. Even though college is a long ways away for 4th and 5th graders, wise students will start to get ready now by making their brains as smart as they can. That means using class time wisely, learning what they need to learn, finishing tasks, fixing problems, and working at home each night a little to get smarter.
A good income is within reach for anyone that works for it. And students can start working for it by getting as smart as they can. Because the best way to go to college is with scholarships earned by great academic performance!
Originally posted 2016-10-27 16:12:30. Republished by Blog Post Promoter