The Secret to a Well-Behaved Child: Regular Bedtime

Young children who don’t have a regular bedtime behave worse than kids who go to sleep at the same time each night, a new study suggests.

British researchers found that both mothers and teachers rated 7-year-olds who had inconsistent bedtimes as being more hyperactive than their better-rested peers, and as having more social, emotional and conduct problems.

The results also revealed that behavior grew worse the more years a child spent without a firm bedtime. But the good news is that children’s behavior noticeably improved when they switched to a scheduled bedtime.

The study also linked having an earlier bedtime to better behavior. If you’re looking for a strategy to try at home to address behavior, a consistent or earlier bedtime might be worth considering.

Read the rest of the article here.

Originally posted 2013-10-14 07:18:32. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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