When kids say, “I’m stupid”

There are few things that tear at our hearts more than hearing our kids say, “I’m stupid.”

At first glance the following parent seems to be right on track:

No you are not stupid. Honey, think of all of the things you are good at. How about reading? You’re good at that! And, remember how much you improved in baseball last summer. Stupid kids don’t learn how to hit curve balls like you did. And your art is wonderful. If you were dumb, would you have been able to learn how to create those drawings with such wonderful three-dimensional perspectives? I don’t think so.

At second glance, we realize that this well-meaning parent is actually lending credibility to their child’s “I’m stupid” remark… by spending so much time and energy addressing it.

The Love and Logic approach is much simpler…just ask your student, “Aren’t you glad that I don’t believe that?”

The same response is fitting when a student says, “I can’t do this.” Rather than trying to convince the student that they are wrong, just ask the student, “Aren’t you glad I don’t believe you?” Said with a positive voice and a smile, a student has no choice but to agree with you!

Read more about how to handle these types of negative comments.

Originally posted 2013-10-11 16:53:16. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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