November 9th, 2006
Class activities for Thursday, November 9
Spelling: Today we practicied identifying homophone pairs: there/their/they’re, weather/whether, choose/chews, etc.
Cursive: Cursive worksheets pp. 33-35 were made available this week and are due on Friday.
Reading: Today the final two groups presented their Literature Circles projects. Students will get new Literature Circles books next week.
Writing: Today’s minilesson was about using a checklist for editing. The Checklist for Good Writers has an editing checklist at the bottom to help students focus on common errors. Get a copy of the checklist on the Writing page. Students also continued prewriting for their next piece of writing due December 1.
Math: Students started a final copy of the bar graph they began yesterday, and also worked on puzzle pages related to graphing. Homework is complete the bar graph and puzzle pages 65-66. The bar graph will be worth a MiniQuiz grade.
Science: We completed an experiment to identify electrical conductors and insulators.
Social Studies: We read about government and how laws are created. Homework is to write at least one Jeopardy question for these answers: taxes, State Legislature, legislative branch, bill, and budget. Click here for the Jeopardy worksheet and directions.
Behavior Update:
- Yellows: one magnet
- Oranges: one magnet
- Reds: no magnets
Ask your student what kind of choices they made.
- Juice Volunteers for Friday, November 10: McKenna and Noah. Click here for a full list of juice volunteers.
- Book orders are due on Friday, November 17. Visit the Online Book Order page to order by credit card online.
- Appointments are now being made for fall conferences, November 14-16. A sign-up sheet is located at the office windows.
- We are looking for donations of cardboard tubes (toilet tissue, paper towel, wrapping paper) for class projects. The tubes can be sent in any time during the year; this project will be on-going. Thanks for any help you can give!