Category Archive for 'Special Events'

Our Fourth Grade Year 2019-2020

Thursday, June 4th, 2020

Class activities for Friday, March 6

Friday, March 6th, 2020

Spelling: None today due to the half day.

Cursive: Ten cursive sentences, seven or more words each, are due on Fridays.

Reading: None today due to Career Fair. Our presenters were an author, a financial planner, a military officer (Mr. Mitchell), and a motivational speaker.

Career Fair 2020

8 new photos added to shared album

Writing: We had prewriting conferences and continued drafting today. Each student has a daily word count goal of 100-300 words. This is easier to reach if students work at school and home. Check with your student and see how many words they have typed so far. They should be at 20% of their goal by the end of the weekend.

The novel project is due Wednesday, March 25. Homework is work on writing for at least 15 minutes daily during the week.

Novel Writing Project 2020

The final piece of the 3rd Marking Period will be our final fiction project of the year. Students will write and publish their own novel! Each student will write their own novel, with a word goal minimum of 1,000-3,000 words, based on their reading level (each student’s minimum writing goal is equal to their reading level multiplied by 500). The novels will be written in Google Docs ( to make use of the word count feature. Final novels will be uploaded to and published as paperback books, which can be purchased for reasonable prices. So yes, students will actually write and publish their own novels. This project is based on the National Novel Writing Month Young Writers program.

Math: None today due to the half day. Homework on weekdays is to practice math for 15 minutes using MobyMax or Khan Academy.

Science: None today due to Career Fair.

Social Studies: None today due to Career Fair.

Character Strength: We are learning about cheering for successes this week.


  • Today was Make a Difference Day. We made cards to thank our custodians, supervisors, office staff, cafeteria staff, and bus drivers.
  • Learn more about the Zero Increase Bond and vote on May 5.
  • Is your student doing a Daily Homework Time? Here’s a sample schedule and more ideas to get started.
  • Check out our class calendar to stay up-to-date.
  • View grades, assignments, and attendance at Jupiter Ed.
  • Please send in remaining Mackinac donations and payments by Friday, April 17. Find more details about our Mackinac trip here.

Our Mission:
All students in Room 130 will do their best and get ready for 5th grade.

Feb Factor 2020

Friday, February 14th, 2020

Feb Factor 2020

50 new photos added to shared album

Thanks for everyone that donated food! We had plenty! Check out the pictures above for our crazy games, cards, and lunch!

Michigan Capitol and Historical Museum Trip 2019

Thursday, December 12th, 2019

Michigan Capitol and Museum Trip 2019

48 new photos added to shared album

Hawaiian Beach Bash 2019

Friday, November 8th, 2019

Today was our Hawaiian Beach Bash! Students had Hawaiian pizza, Capri Suns and fruit kabobs! Later, they tossed foam noodles, ate pineapple slices, danced to the Beach Boys, and tried to win the hula hoop contest! Thanks to all the families that helped with food, donations, decorations, games, setup and cleanup! Our party was totally tubular because of everyone’s help!

Hawaiian Beach Bash 2019

90 new photos · Album by Christian Howd