November 15th, 2006
Class activities for Wednesday, November 15
Spelling: Today we reviewed possessive pronouns (their, our, my, his, her, it) and plural possessive pronouns (theirs, ours, mine, his, hers, its). Students learned that plural possessive pronouns do not have apostrophes. We will have a spelling test on Monday, and the skill test will assess consonant digraphs (ph, th, wh, sh, ch) and words with digraphs. The unit 3 spelling packet will also be due on Monday.
Cursive: Cursive worksheets pp. 36-38 were made available this week and are due on Friday.
Reading: Today was a reading day in Literature Circles. Ask your student what their book was about, what their favorite part was, and what their Literature Circles job was.
Writing: None today due to the half day schedule. The next piece of writing will be due December 1.
Math: We played a game called “Subtraction Target Practice.” It’s easy to play at home. Start with the number 250 written down on a sheet of paper. Draw two cards (Uno cards or playing cards). The player decides how to arrange the cards to form a two digit number. This number is subtracted from 250. Repeat drawing and subtracting. The goal is to be the closest person to zero without creating a negative number. Play with two or more people. Variations: start with a number larger than 250, or select three cards to make a triple-digit number.
Science: We made electricity mini-books today. Homework is to finish decorating the mini-books.
Social Studies: We made Branches of Government (executive, legislative, and judicial) flip charts. The chart is worth ten points (one point each for the branch name, a description of its job, and a picture illustrating the branch, and one point for quality and neatness). Homework is to finish the flip chart if not done in class.
Behavior Update:
- Yellows: no magnets
- Oranges: no magnets
- Reds: no magnets
Ask your student what kind of choices they made.
- Conferences have begun. Click here for a list of conference times.
- Juice Volunteers for Friday, December 1: Shawn and Alison. Click here for a full list of juice volunteers.
- Book orders are due on Friday, November 17. Visit the Online Book Order page to order by credit card online.
- We are looking for donations of cardboard tubes (toilet tissue, paper towel, wrapping paper) for class projects. The tubes can be sent in any time during the year; this project will be on-going. Thanks for any help you can give!