April 30th, 2007
Class activities for Friday, April 27
Kids’ Inquiry Conference
Today was Kids’ Inquiry Conference at the University of Michigan-Flint. We had a wonderful start with a keynote address by Dr. Gebler from the Chemistry Department. He showed kids the wonders of science by freezing a rose in liquid nitrogen, igniting a hydrogen balloon, and making a liquid oxygen cannon! The audience was amazed at how cool science can be!
Following the keynote address, students moved to the Michigan Rooms for two presentation sessions on topics including flight, magnets, electricity, chemistry, bridges and boats. Students also visited the hands-on display gallery to do their own experiments guided by student scientists.
We had lunch in the University Center, and the day wrapped up with a presentation on environmental science and a tour of the chemistry facilities.
Thank you to UM-F for their donation of the Michigan Rooms, and providing drinks and cookies for us. It was a wonderful day!
- Thank you, volunteers! Come to our Volunteer Appreciation Lunch on Thursday, May 3, from 11:20-1:20 in the McGrath library.
- Juice Volunteers for Friday, May 4: Joshua W. and Alex S. Click here for a list of volunteers.
- Thank you to the nine chaperones who have volunteered for the Mackinaw trip. At this point, we have no more availability for additional chaperones. Spaces may open up as the trip gets closer.
- We are looking for donations of medium and long cardboard tubes (have plenty of short ones, thanks!) for class projects. The tubes can be sent in any time during the year; this project will be on-going. Thanks for any help you can give!