Class activities for Wednesday, May 23

Spelling: None due to the Essential Skills Science test. The unit 11 spelling worksheets are available and can be printed from here.

Cursive: Ten cursive sentences of seven or more words are due each Friday.

Reading: None today due to the Essential Skills Science test.      

Writing: We read several poems and learned about several new styles of poems, including concrete poems (poems in the shape of the subject) and poems for two voices. We also learned about using a double focus in a poem. This kind of poem uses an object to tell about a person, such as grandpa’s shoes or grandma’s kitchen. A collection of poems will be due into portfolios on Friday, June 1.

We also read Casey at the Bat, a poem about a baseball game and a hero that comes up short. Related to this poem about baseball, we listened to, read and watched Abbott and Costello’s “Who’s on First” skit about a baseball team with unconventional names. Watch the skit below: 

Abbott and Costello – “Who’s on First?” Posted Nov 11, 2006

Math: None due to the Essential Skills Science test.

Science: We learned that most of the water on earth is salt water. Water is used for factories, farms, homes and towns. Drinking water comes from the ground, lakes and rivers.

Social Studies: None due to the Essential Skills Science test.

Behavior Update:

  • Yellows: 1 magnet
  • Oranges: 0 magnets
  • Reds: 0 magnets

Ask your student what kind of choices they made.


  • Juice Volunteers for Friday, May 25: Shawn and Noah. Click here for a list of volunteers.
  • Our class calendar can be viewed here.  

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