Class activities for Wednesday, March 25

Spelling: None today due to a writing minilesson.

Cursive: Ten cursive sentences, seven or more words each, are due Fridays.

Reading: None today due to the half day schedule.

Writing: We discussed varying sentence beginnings so that sentences don’t start the same way over and over, and so the reader doesn’t hear the same things over and over.

Students also continued to work on their novel being written and typed at  Ask your student what their word count goal is and how many words they have written so far. This piece is due March 27. Click here for further details. Visit our Novel blog to check on the latest word counts.

Math: None today due to the half day schedule.

Science: In health today, we viewed a movie called, Now I Can Tell You My Secret, about a boy who is inappropriately touched by a neighbor. We discussed that, when a student is touched in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable, they have a right to:

  1. Say no;
  2. Get away fast to a safe place;
  3. Tell a trusted adult; or
  4. Keep telling trusted adults if some don’t believe you.

Here is an overview and discussion guide for the movie. Here is another guide called, Keep Them Safe (PDF), with plenty of child safety tips.

Social Studies: None today due to the half day schedule.

Behavior Update:

  • Yellow magnets: 1
  • Orange magnets: 0
  • Red magnets: 0
  • STAR Awards: 0
  • Magnets moved this week (goal: 10): 1
  • Hours with no yellow magnets (record: 58): 0
  • Days with no orange magnets (record: 39; previous score: 7): 8

Check your student’s Personal and Social Growth grade at SnapGrades to see if your student moved their magnet.


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