Class activities for Wednesday, March 10

Spelling: We reviewed suffixes by adding the –ment suffix onto base words. We remembered that a silent e is usually only dropped if the suffix begins with a vowel (pavement, paving).

Cursive: Ten cursive sentences, seven or more words each, are due on Fridays.

Reading: Today was a discussion day in Literature Circles.

Writing: Students continued to draft their novel today. Each student also planned describing a setting, character action, and physical description that they can add to their novel after school or tomorrow.

Each student has a daily word goal of 130-350 words. Ask your student how many words they’ve written so far! The novel is due Friday, March 26.

Here is more about this project:

Novel Writing Project
The final piece of the 3rd Marking Period will be our final fiction project of the year. Students will write a novel. You read that right! Each student will write their own novel, with a word goal minimum of 1,000-3,500 words, based on their reading level (each student’s minimum writing goal is equal to their reading level multiplied by 500).
The novels will be written in Google Docs ( to make use of the word count feature. Final novels will be uploaded to and published as paperback books, which can be purchased for reasonable prices. So yes, students will actually write and publish their own novels. This project is based on the National Novel Writing Month Young Writers program. Here are more details:

  • We will start this project in class on March 8 and it will be due on March 26; however, students can begin early.
  • This is our final fiction project; the novel can be any type of fiction story (mystery, science fiction, fantasy, realistic, historical, etc.)
  • We will be working in the computer lab most days, using to type the novel. Students can also work on this from any internet-connected computer outside of school.
  • Students might want to start thinking now about how they will use a computer afterschool if they need to, and if they will go to the library, use a home computer, or use a friend or family member’s computer.
  • If friends and family would like to order a paperback version of the book, we will upload the final texts to Most books will cost between $5 and $10.
  • A big portion of this grade will be if students complete their own, personal word count goal.

Math: None today due to library and art. There will be a math test tomorrow over these ideas:

  • Decimals, decimal comparing, ordering, fractions and decimals;
  • Metric measurement;
  • Metric conversion; and,
  • Decimal addition and subtraction.

Here is a practice test to study for the math test.

Science: It was the Lunar Olympics. We discovered that the class could jump about 20 cm vertically, and about 2 meters in a long jump. Since the moon has six times less gravity that earth, the vertical jump would be about 120 cm (over a meter!) and the long jump would be about 12 meters (almost 36 feet)!

Also, the Globe at Night project has begun and is due March 17; here is more information about this project:

  • Students have from March 4-16 to complete their observation
  • Students should observe the sky between 7-10 pm, and need to let their eyes adjust to the darkness for about 10 minutes before making the observation
  • Students are looking for the constellation Orion in order make their observation
  • Help with finding the latitude and longitude of your viewing location can be found here
  • Students will turn in their record sheet for their grade (see handout from class, or look here)
  • All the details, and a record sheet, can be found here
  • Help with finding Orion in the sky can be found here and here
  • Visit Globe at Night for complete details
  • Other free resources to help with this project:

Social Studies: None today due to art.

Behavior Update:

  • Yellow magnets: 2
  • Orange magnets: 0
  • Red magnets: 0
  • STAR Awards: 0
  • Magnets moved this week (goal: 10): 7

Check your student’s Personal and Social Growth grade at SnapGrades to see if your student moved their magnet. Need help with SnapGrades?


Our Mission:
Every student in Room 130 leaves improved and prepared for 5th grade.

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