September 23rd, 2011
Class activities for Friday, September 23
Spelling: We reviewed the fact that some words have silent letters (knot, write, become, listen, less, answer)
Cursive: A cursive reviewed page is available and due Monday.
Reading: We started reading our shared reading book, Esperanza Rising, about a girl from 1930s Mexico that struggles through tragedies and starts a new life in America. We also practiced questioning as a reading strategy.
Writing: Today was the final work day for the first piece of writing, a personal narrative about a memory or event, that students have been working on. The piece is due into portfolios on Monday, September 26.
Math: None today due to the half day schedule.
Science: We watched the next part of the Science Court case about how to use data to make conclusions.
Social Studies: None today due to the half day schedule.
- Yellow magnets: 2
- Orange magnets: 0
- Red magnets: 0
- STAR Awards: 0
- Magnets moved this week (goal: ?): 6
Check your student’s Personal and Social Growth grade at JupiterGrades to see if your student moved their magnet. Need help with JupiterGrades?
- Picture Day is Monday, September 26!
- The McGrath Fun Run is October 6. Money pledges and donations are due October 3.
- Check out our class calendar to stay up-to-date.
- View grades, assignments, and attendance at JupiterGrades.
Our Mission:
All students in Room 130 will do their best and get ready for 5th grade.