Don’t let your problems multiply!

In the movie, Gremlins, Billy gets an interesting pet from his father with some specific rules. One of them is, “never get him wet.” Later Billy gets careless and his one pet Mogwai turns into six! And everyone who’s seen the movie knows how that turns out. If Billy only had solved his problem when it was small. He could have kept water far away. He could have told his dad about his screw up and got some help with all the extra pets. But instead, he tried to ignore the problem and pretend nothing had happened. Later, his one problem turns into 50 crazy Gremlins destroying his town!

Even though we won’t be fighting Gremlins anytime soon, our regular problems act the same way. We either solve our problems when they are small, or they will multiply! Turn in a library book on time, or pay a fine. Follow the speed limit, or pay a ticket. Get to work on time, or get docked some pay. Turn in your cursive on time, or use your recess to finish. Sometimes students have to learn this lesson the hard way as they ignore or miss a limit and have to pay a consequence. Eventually they will learn to be proactive and get after their problems before their problems get after them!

Gremlins (2/6) Movie CLIP – Multiplying Mogwai (1984) HD

Gremlins movie clips: BUY THE MOVIE: Don’t miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: CLIP DESCRIPTION: Billy (Zach Galligan) and Pete (Corey Feldman) watch as a wet Gizmo spawns five more creatures. FILM DESCRIPTION: “Don’t expose him to bright light. Don’t ever get him wet. And don’t ever, ever feed him after midnight.”

Originally posted 2018-10-01 17:29:03. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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