May 8th, 2006
Class activities for Monday, May 8
Reading: Today, our class completed a computer-adaptive STAR reading test. The results will be used to create groups for the final Literature Circles cycle, which will start tomorrow.
Language Arts: We planned and discussed a “Take a Stand” position paper project that students will work on this week. Each student selected their own subject, will complete surveys to collect data, and will write a position paper. Homework is to finish collecting data from two different groups involved in their subject (i.e., students and parents). The final persuasive piece will be due Monday, May 15.
Spelling: Today, students worked on spelling homophones and identifying their meaning. A spelling test will be taken at the end of this week.
The Level Four Core Word list is an option for continued practice.
Math: Students learned how to express the remainder of a division problem as a fraction. Homework is to complete problems 1-4 of math journal p. 156, and all of p. 157.
Science: We journaled the important ideas from our study of the sun, moon and earth, and started the Space Fashion Show project. Today, students formed groups, determined roles, and started to brainstorm information for their fashion show scripts. See the requirements for more information. The Space Fashion Show will be on Tuesday, May 16.
Social Studies: None today due to a longer Science time. We will have a longer Social Studies time tomorrow and will finish the Chapter 3 test.
- Donating towards Mackinaw? Thank you for sending in any final donations within the next week or so! We are very near our class and grade level goal.
- Thanks for volunteering! A volunteer appreciation luncheon is being planned for Monday, May 15, from 11:00 am to 1:30 pm. Please come! RSVP here or send in a note.
- HELP WANTED: Mr. Keilitz is looking for parents willing to help with Field Day, which is May 31. If you are willing to help, please fill out the form here. Thanks!
- McGrath Family Cookbooks are on sale now. Copies can be purchased for $10 and all proceeds go towards our Mackinaw trip. Checks are payable to McGrath.