Class activities for Friday, December 8

Spelling: Today students completed the unit 4 spelling and skill test. Look for a Words to Learn list early next week.

Cursive: Cursive worksheets pp. 45-47 were reviewed today.

Reading: Today was a discussion day in Literature Circles. We also had our paper (Time for Kids) and coffee (juice).    

Writing: We had a minilesson about describing what characters look like, and students worked on their next piece of writing. Students should be starting their rough draft by Monday; this piece is due December 22.

Math: None today due to visiting the book fair.

Arbol de Navidad and Flor de Noche Buena: Today we learned that people in Mexicoarbol.jpg may have an arbol de Navidad (Christmas tree), either in their Nacimiento display, or in another location in their house. The tree would be, in most cases, artificial, a branch from a palm tree, or a shrub from the countryside.

We also learned that the poinsettia flower comes from Mexico, and the legend is that the poinsettia blossomed from a handful of weeds when peasant children were bringing the weeds as a gift to the baby Jesus at the villiage Naciemiento. The poinsettia in Mexico is called the Flor de Noche Buena, or flower of the Good Night (Holy Night).

We decorated our arbol de Navidad with popcorn garland, tin sun ornaments, and flores de Noche Buena, as these would have been items available to Esperanza in our book, Esperanza Rising.

Behavior Update:

  • Yellows: three magnets
  • Oranges: no magnets
  • Reds: no magnets

Ask your student what kind of choices they made.


  • Juice Volunteers for Friday, December 8: Kori and Abbey. Click here for a full list of juice volunteers.
  • Grand Blanc Lanes field trip coming soon! Click here for details.
  • We are looking for donations of medium and short cardboard tubes (have plenty of short ones, thanks!) for class projects. The tubes can be sent in any time during the year; this project will be on-going. Thanks for any help you can give!

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4 Responses to “Class activities for Friday, December 8”

  1. mariah Says:

    hello mr.howd are you there?

  2. mariah Says:

    hello mr.howd you there if you know any thing about a scarlet globe mallow let me know!

  3. Christian Howd Says:

    Hi Mariah!

    You got me on that one. I have no idea what that is. Go to and see if you can find anything!

  4. mariah Says:

    i found something on it your tree looks cool this year

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