March 22nd, 2007
Class activities for Thursday, March 22
Spelling: None today due to Literature Circles projects. The unit 9 spelling worksheets are available here.
Cursive: Students completed a cursive quiz today. Ten cursive sentences of seven or more words each are due Friday.
Reading: Today was the final work day for Literature Circles projects. Two groups also presented their projects today, and the remaining three groups will present tomorrow.
Writing: Students had mini-conferences today to make sure their writing had all the elements of a “Take a Stand” opinion piece. This piece of writing and a bar graph of the data will be due on Friday, March 23.
Math: Students completed a multiplication facts timed test today and all their hard work has paid off! We now have 21 out of 28 students who have passed this test, and our class scores improved 21% compared to last month! Great work!
We also played a game today to practice for a math test coming up on Monday. This test will include the following:
- rounding
- estimating sums and products
- multiplication number stories
- multiplication problems
- comparing large numbers
Science: We reviewed the previous experiments and learned that sounds are created by vibrations.
Social Studies: We discussed the French and Indian War SQ3R, watched some video clips about the war, and played French and Indian War Risk (the British won in our classroom version of the war, also).
- Yellows: 3 magnets
- Oranges: 0 magnets
- Reds: 0 magnets
Ask your student what kind of choices they made.
- Juice Volunteers for Friday, March 23: Kayla and De’Aundre. Click here for a list of volunteers.
- Thank you to the nine chaperones who have volunteered for the Mackinaw trip. At this point, we have no more availability for additional chaperones. Spaces may open up as the trip gets closer.
- Spring Conference times are now available for April 2, 3 and 4! Sign up at the office windows.
- Upcoming Events: New writing piece due (March 23); Magic Show (March 23); Spring Conferences (April 2, 3 and 4); Straits of Mackinaw field trip (May 11). See the class calendar for more information.
- We are looking for donations of medium and long cardboard tubes (have plenty of short ones, thanks!) for class projects. The tubes can be sent in any time during the year; this project will be on-going. Thanks for any help you can give!