March 26th, 2007
S..t..a..r..t…..T..y..p..i..n..g FASTER!
Typing is like anything else, it takes practice! Here’s a couple of ideas to give your fingers a workout! Just make sure you are keeping all those fingers on the keyboard!
- Download Tux Typing 2. This is a free typing tutor program for kids! It has modes for practicing finger placement, word exercises, short words and long words. Download it here for Windows, or visit the website to check on the lastest version. Once downloaded, the game can be played even when not connected to the Internet.
- Go online to DanceMat Typing. This is an online typing tutor, with nothing to download. But you do have to be online to use it. This is the best program to help with teaching finger placement on the keyboard.
- Go online to Super Hyper Typing Spider. Practice getting faster typing letters and words!