March 31st, 2007
What do you wish was taught in school?
Here’s a good wish list for what should be taught in school. Time management was featured, and I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately. Do those planners we give kids work? I’m not sure. For some, I suppose. But some just jump through the hoop, and fail to use it to plan their homework. Maybe we should be doing more with time management…
#5: Time Management
Speaking of other skills that can be utilized in any job and career is time management. The majority of students never really learn to value their time and mange it while in school. Procrastination is all too rampant (studying right before class, doing homework and essays the day it’s due, partying the night before the exam). This lack of time management often carries over into adulthood, which becomes a major liability.
Learn to make a to do list. Learn to prioritize. Learn to break things down into 30 minute blocks of time. Learn about actionable items. David Allen’s GTD system is your best friend here… Again if you’re unfamiliar with these people, Google is your best friend, but I’m sure the majority of readers will know what I’m talking about.
What’s on your wish-list of things that schools should be teaching kids? Share your ideas in the comments.
Top 5 Things That Should be Taught In Every School [ via 43Folders]