June 1st, 2007
Class activities for Thursday, May 31 and Friday, June 1
Spelling: Yesterday, students worked on their spelling worksheets. Today, students completed a spelling test. The unit 11 spelling worksheets will be due Monday are available here.
Cursive: Ten cursive sentences of seven or more words are due each Friday.
Reading: Yesterday was a reading day in Literature Circles; today was a discussion day.
Writing: Yesterday and today, students finalized their collection of poems, which were due into portfolios today. We will share our poems at our Poetry Slam at Borders next Thursday. Chaperones are needed and family members are welcome to attend.
Math: No math yesterday due to attending the Wizard of Oz dress rehearsal. Today, we practiced converting between improper fractions and mixed numbers.
Science: Yesterday, students created water cycle melodramas to act out the water cycle. Today, students made posters to communicate the dangers of alcohol, tobacco, cocaine, marijuana and inhalants.
Social Studies: None yesterday or today.
- Stay ahead of the busyness by viewing a list of year end class activities here!
- Our class calendar can be viewed here.