Class activities for Monday, April 7

Spelling: Today was a preview of upcoming spelling words.

Cursive: Ten cursive sentences of at least seven words each are due Friday.

Reading: Today we started a nonfiction cycle in Literature Circles.

Writing: Students continued to work on their I-Search projects (click here for more details) by collecting research on their I-Search 2008 class wiki pages.

A summary of the project:

Students will research their I-Search question using print and internet sources and create a digital presentation using PowerPoint or Google Docs presentation software. Students are collecting their research on our I-Search 2008 class wiki. Later, students will present their findings to other students who sign up to attend their talk. The presentation slides will be turned in to portfolios for a writing grade.

The I-Search presentation is due April 25.

Math: Students completed a multiplication MiniQuiz today. I also introduced them to the “standard method” of multiplication, which is the method most adults are familiar with. Homework is to complete puzzle page 25, using the standard method for the first row, and any method for the final rows.

Science: We reviewed the pitch experiments from the last school week and learned that shorter objects create higher pitch sounds, and longer objects create lower pitch sounds.

Social Studies: We finished learning about the fur trade and the founding of Fort Pontchartrain in Detroit by Cadillac. Homework is to finish up the notes section of the Etch-a-Sketch organizer started in the last school week.

Behavior Update:

  • Yellow magnets: 0
  • Orange magnets: 0
  • Red magnets: 0
  • STAR Awards: 3
  • Current Hours with No Orange Magnets: 24

Check your student’s Personal and Social Growth grade at SnapGrades to see if your student moved their magnet.


  • This week’s juice volunteers (full list): Jadin and Hannah. Thanks for your generosity!
  • View grades, assignments, attendance and even the report card at SnapGrades.
  • Check out our class calendar to stay up-to-date.
  • Visit our Mackinaw Field Trip page for more information on our May 9 trip.

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