Class activities for Tuesday, September 9

Spelling: The class was introduced to the Unit 1 spelling worksheets (PDF). Spelling worksheets for the year can be found on the Spelling Worksheets page in the spelling section of the website. Spelling worksheets are made available at the beginning of each unit, and they are due at the time of the spelling test.

For more information on spelling this year, visit the Spelling page. And here is the Level Four 500 Word spelling list.

Cursive: Cursive pp. 15-17 are available and due Friday.

Reading: The class received their copy of our shared reading book, Esperanza Rising today. We will read this book throughout the year as a way to review and practice reading strategies. The book also provides opportunities to think about real world themes, such as poverty, diversity, adversity, even the death of loved ones. It also provides good exposure to the Spanish language and Mexican culture.

Writing: Everyone made their writer’s folders today. This folder will be where students will collect their thoughts, write down ideas, prewrite, brainstorm, draft, revise, and edit. Students are allowed, and encouraged, to take their writer’s folders to work on their writing.

We will be starting a piece of writing this week and it will be due Friday, September 26. As a rule of thumb, generally a piece of writing is due every three weeks.

Math: We played Math Dots to continue to review third grade math concepts. Tomorrow, students will receive their math journals and we will start a unit on geometry, polygons, and two and three-dimensional figures.

Science: We completed an Energy Hunt today by looking for examples of various forms of energy around the school. Homework is to complete the Energy Hunt worksheet, including the forms of energy questions at the bottom of the page.

Our Energy Fair is this Friday, September 12 (click here for guidelines). The big idea is for students to find an object at home that demonstrates a form of energy, and to bring it in to show the class. Students are also asked to design a poster that introduces their exhibit to the class. Click here for complete details. This project is worth 30 points.

Social Studies: None today due to deciding our class goals. Yesterday, we decided our class mission statement would be the following:

Every student in Room 130 leaves happy and prepared for fifth grade.

In order to achieve this mission, we came up with three goals:

  1. We will improve our STAR reading scores monthly and grow at least one year by the end of the year.
  2. All students will pass the multiplication and division “Super Mad Minute” tests by the end of the year.
  3. We will move our magnets no more than ten times each week (or, less than 40-50 magnets each month.

Track our progress at our online Data Center. The graphs will be updated monthly. Currently, 18 magnets have been moved this week, well over our class goal of ten.

Behavior Update:

  • Yellow magnets: 5
  • Orange magnets: 4
  • Red magnets: 0
  • STAR Awards: 3
  • Magnets moved this week (goal: 10): 18

Check your student’s Personal and Social Growth grade at SnapGrades to see if your student moved their magnet.


  • I’ve asked students to bring in up to three things to put up on our Pride Board. Students are welcome to bring photos, awards, medals-anything that can be put on a bulletin board. Students can replace the items at any time and will get them back at the end of the year.
  • Sign up for daily email updates, including activities, homework and important information.
  • Find a list of school supplies here. I have poly envelopes for sale for $0.75 each, and dry erase markers for $0.75-$1.00.

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