Class activities for Wednesday, January 28

Spelling: None today due to library.

Cursive: We’ve finished our review of the upper and lowercase cursive alphabet. For the remainder of the year, students’ weekly assignment will consist of 10 cursive sentences, with seven or more words each.

Reading: Literature Circles groups continued to practice reading plays from their magazines, using good voice and expression.

Writing: Today was the final prewriting day for the next piece of writing, a Choose Your Own Adventure fiction story. This piece will be published on a website and will be due February 13. An example of the Choose Your Own Adventure genre can be found here and here. Students should have a plan on how they want their adventure story to turn out, and today we talked about having at least one good ending, and some okay or even bad endings.

Mrs. Houser also taught a lesson today on using inner story, “thoughtshots” and thinking in stories.

Math: We reviewed showing fractions with base 10 blocks and progressed to showing base 10 blocks when given a fraction name. Next, we’ll link fractions to decimals without using base 10 blocks. Homework is to finish Journal p. 82.

Science: Students made a compass with a magnetized needle (a stretched-out paperclip magnetized with a magnet). The needle was floated on a paper leaf and rotated to point in a north-south direction. Homework is to complete the Magnet Investigation Review.

Social Studies: None due to library.

Behavior Update:

  • Yellow magnets: 0
  • Orange magnets: 0
  • Red magnets: 0
  • STAR Awards: 0
  • Magnets moved this week (goal: 10): 0
  • Hours with no yellow magnets (record: 31): 16
  • Days with no orange magnets (record: 39): 15

Check your student’s Personal and Social Growth grade at SnapGrades to see if your student moved their magnet.


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