February 17th, 2009
Class activities for Tuesday, February 17
Spelling: We reviewed rules for adding suffixes:
- Just add the suffix;
- Drop the silent e;
- Double the final consonant;
- Change the y to an i;
- Add es
Cursive: Ten cursive sentences, seven or more words each, are due Fridays.
Reading: Today was a discussion day in Literature Circles.
Writing: I introduced our next two writing pieces. Our next piece with be a persuasive letter to the editor about a topic chosen by each student. Here’s an overview of the project, and here’s a checklist to help with writing the letter. This piece will be due March 6.
The piece after that will be our final fiction project of the year. Students will write a novel. You read that right. Each student will write their own novel, with a word goal minimum of 1,500-3,000 words, based on their reading level (each student’s minimum writing goal is equal to their reading level multiplied by 500). The novels will be written in Google Docs (docs.mrhowd.com) to make use of the word count feature. Final novels will be uploaded to lulu.com and published as paperback books, which can be purchased for reasonable prices. So yes, students will actually write and publish their own novels. This project is based on the National Novel Writing Month Young Writers program. Complete details will follow soon. Students were asked today to start thinking about their novel topic, characters, plot and setting. With the average fourth grader needing to write about 133 words each school day, students will need to start this project by “hitting the ground running.”
Math: None today due to musical practice. The Fourth Grade Musical is this Thursday at 6:45 pm.
Science: We started our study of electricity by reviewing electrical circuits. Students made circuits with a battery, bulb and one wire, then two wires, then with a switch.
Social Studies: We learned that slaves escaping on the Underground Railroad sang songs with double, secret meanings. The songs taught slaves when to escape, how to find north, where to walk and which rivers to follow.
- Yellow magnets: 0
- Orange magnets: 0
- Red magnets: 0
- STAR Awards: 0
- Magnets moved this week (goal: 10): 0
- Hours with no yellow magnets (record: 58): 15
- Days with no orange magnets (record: 39): 25
Check your student’s Personal and Social Growth grade at SnapGrades to see if your student moved their magnet.
- View grades, assignments, attendance and even the report card at SnapGrades.
- Check out our class calendar to stay up-to-date.
- This week’s juice volunteers: Alexis and Jennifer