Class activities for Tuesday, October 27

Spelling:  Today we reviewed common spelling patterns for the long e sound: ee, ea, e at the end of a syllable, and y.

Cursive: Cursive worksheet pp. 15-17 are available and due Friday.

Reading: Today was a discussion day in Literature Circles.

Writing: We discussed responsibility in working on writing at school and home. This means working on writing a little bit most nights, even for just 10 minutes. That time will add up and help students to stay on schedule. I also asked students to start taking their writer’s folder home each night, so that they can work on writing if they have time.

Students also worked on their draft today.

The next piece of writing will be a personal narrative that has been slightly fictionalized, or, in other words, a personal narrative based on a true story. This piece of writing will be due Friday, November 6. This will be the final writing piece of the first marking period.  Students should be ready working on drafts by now.

Math: We continued to work on making bar graphs today. Students used their survey data from yesterday to make a draft of a bar graph. Homework is to finish the bar graph draft, if not done in class, and to finish puzzle pages 65 and 66.

Science: None today due to discussing responsibility in completing assignments and homework.

Social Studies: We learned about mining copper and iron in Michigan, and continued to work on an Alphabet Soup organizer about farming, logging and mining. Homework is to complete the Alphabet Soup organizer.

Behavior Update:

  • Yellow magnets: 0
  • Orange magnets: 0
  • Red magnets: 0
  • STAR Awards: 3
  • Magnets moved this week (goal: 10): 2

Check your student’s Personal and Social Growth grade at SnapGrades to see if your student moved their magnet. Need help with SnapGrades?


Our Mission:
Every student in Room 130 leaves improved and prepared for 5th grade.

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