October 5th, 2011
Class activities for Wednesday, October 5
Spelling: Students continued to work on their Words to Learn lists today. This is a list of words missed on the last spelling test. Since words in fourth grade are used more than once, this is your student’s customized spelling list. If they practice these words, they will know them when they see them again. Some students are still working on their Words to Learn list and will be able to bring it home tomorrow. Ask your student if they can show you their list!
Cursive: Cursive pp. 18-20 are available and due Friday.
Reading: Today was a reading day in Literature Circles. Some groups worked on questioning as a reading strategy.
Writing: Today was a work day in writing. A personal narrative is due into portfolios on Friday, October 14. Students should be ready to start revising by looking back at their story and finding ways to make it even better.
Math: We learned about looking for patterns when solving problems. Homework is to finish Math Journal P1-5.
Science: Students searched the room for magnetic objects and also created a minibook to record notes in.
The Energy Fair (more details here) is Friday, October 7.
Social Studies: None today due to Math Skills and Accelerated Reader time. Our class is up to 373,029 Energy Points at Khan Academy. Ask your student what they are working on lately!
- Yellow magnets: 1
- Orange magnets: 0
- Red magnets: 0
- STAR Awards: 0
- Magnets moved this week (goal: 10): 5
Check your student’s Personal and Social Growth grade at JupiterGrades to see if your student moved their magnet. Need help with JupiterGrades?
- The McGrath Fun Run is tomorrow! Last minute money pledges and donations will be accepted!
- Check out our class calendar to stay up-to-date.
- View grades, assignments, and attendance at JupiterGrades.
Our Mission:
All students in Room 130 will do their best and get ready for 5th grade.