March 16th, 2014
Spring conferences in review
Here are some ideas we discussed at spring conferences this last week:
- Third Grade Math Review. The class is reviewing third grade math skills using MobyMax TestPrep Math. Most students are less than 50% complete. Working at home for 5-10 minutes a night would help everyone to finish their third grade review and move on to reviewing fourth grade skills.
- Math Facts. Some students haven’t finished their math facts mastery yet. We use MobyMax Fact Master for 5 minutes most days. Doing another 5 minutes at home, or using another method (flash cards,, mobile app) would help.
- Math Homework. We don’t have paper math homework this year. In its place, working for at least 15 minutes in MobyMax Math or Khan Academy would help each student work toward completing fourth grade math skills by the beginning of September.
- Daily Homework Time. One way to build responsibility, end homework battles, reduce missing assignments, and help students work ahead is to implement a daily homework time. This would be a 40 minute time every school night, no matter if there is homework from school or not. Have your student work on writing, math, and other homework for 15 minutes each. Even if a student forgets their actual homework, still have them work on homework type tasks. Students will stay on top of projects, get cursive done better, and keep working through math skills. Building the habit now will make 5th grade, and beyond, much easier.
- Reading. Keep having your student reading 20 minutes or so before bed (or another time they like). If your student struggles with being interested in reading, find an exciting book (here’s an idea) and read it to them. They aren’t too old and once the interest is there, they’ll want to read more by themselves.
- Current Grades. The third marking period ends on March 28. Students can improve grades by correcting papers, quizzes and tests. Just have your student make corrections on another sheet of paper, with an explanation about why their new answer is better, and then staple to the original paper, if available. We take many digital quizzes and tests. Results are always emailed to students. They can find the message sent and make corrections from that.
- Mackinac Trip. The trip is on May 9 (more details). There will be a Read-a-Thon fundraiser on March 28. Payments toward the trip by the end of April would be appreciated.
- 5th Grade. I’ve traditionally been a looping teacher. That is the plan for next year. Please complete this short survey to share your preference of teacher for 5th grade.
- Handouts. A bunch of handouts (see ’em all):
- Homework helps
- Family Science Night on March 27
- After school homework help sessions (free)
- Summer Skills books and order (cost is free if you fill out an order form)
- Camp Learn-a-Lot Summer School brochure
- Grand Blanc Sinking Fund facts
- Grand Blanc Parent Survey
- Parent Survey. Did you complete the GB Parent Survey yet? Here it is.