Class activities for Friday, September 18

Spelling: I guess we’ll be starting spelling next week!

Cursive: Cursive worksheet pp. 1-3 were due today.

Reading: Today was a reading skills practice day. Today, students used MobyMax Reading to practice literature skills. Some students were working on using clues to make an inference about a story.

Writing: We practiced a way to generate drafting ideas quickly, called free writing. Students wrote non-stop for three minutes, trying to writing as much as they could about their topic. Then they looked at what they wrote to find good parts to include in their story.

Students also continued to draft their story. A personal narrative is due next Friday, September 25. Students should be about half done with their draft. Monday will be the final drafting day for this piece. Students can work on their story from home by going to

Math: We reviewed properties of multiplication today:

  • commutative: 7 x 3 = 3 x 7. The numbers are moved around, but the answer is the same.
  • identity: 5 x 1 = 5. Anything multiplied by one is itself.
  • zero: 5 x 0 = 0. Anything multiplied by zero is zero.

Today was also our math skills practice day. We used Khan Academy to practice math.

Homework is to practice MobyMax Math or Khan Academy for at least 15 minutes.

Science: None today.

Social Studies: None today due to our math skills practice day.


  • We are looking for chaperones for our BioBlitz field trip to For-Mar Nature Preserve on Friday, September 25 from 9-noon.
  • The Energy Fair is on Tuesday, September 29. This is an at-home project.
  • Check out our class calendar to stay up-to-date.
  • Visit our Links page: keep track of all the websites we use for learning, or try something new.
  • View grades, assignments, and attendance at ParentVue and StudentVue.

Our Mission:
All students in Room 130 will do their best and get ready for 5th grade.


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