Class activities for Thursday, May 19

Spelling: None today.

Cursive: Ten cursive sentences, seven or more words each, are due on Fridays.

Reading: Today was a discussion day in Literature Circles.

Writing: We talked about using line breaks to make sure just one idea is on each line of a poem. It’s also fine to split a long idea into two lines, but it’s doesn’t work as well to mix two different ideas or half ideas on the same line. Students also worked on editing conferences.

A collection of poems will be due Friday, May 20.

Math: We practiced adding and subtracting mixed numbers and multiplying fractions today in Khan Academy. Homework is to practice MobyMax Math or Khan Academy for at least 15 minutes. We are trying to finish our fractions unit by this week. Some students may need to work at home if they haven’t had enough time to finish their fraction skills in class.

Science: Students set up plant experiments to test if plants need light, heat, water, and air. We also started learned about factors that can affect a population.

Social Studies: We worked on geography skills using MobyMax Social Studies today. Many students were practicing identifying landforms or natural resources.


  • Looking for a way to motivate your student to read at home? Try Don’t Break the Chain. It’s a simple way to building reading habits.
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All students in Room 130 will do their best and get ready for 5th grade.

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