May 24th, 2016
Class activities for Tuesday, May 24
Spelling: Students made Words to Learn lists from words missed on the last spelling test. Homework is to finish the Words to Learn list if not done in class.
Cursive: Ten cursive sentences, seven or more words each, are due on Fridays.
Reading: We had art today, so students worked on reading skills or AR tests.
Writing: Students started collecting and organizing information for their Find It, Decide It compare and contract project. We also talked about organizing sources using footnotes. The Find It, Decide It project is due Friday, June 3. Homework is to work on writing for at least 15 minutes.
Math: We practiced writing decimals from fractions, and writing fractions and decimals from pictures or number lines. Homework is to level up on these skills work on in class in Khan Academy.
Science: We learned about how camels are adapted to desert environments.
Social Studies: We worked on geography skills using MobyMax Social Studies today. Many students were continuing to learn about climate or human geography today.
- Looking for a way to motivate your student to read at home? Try Don’t Break the Chain. It’s a simple way to building reading habits.
- Check out our class calendar to stay up-to-date.
- Visit our Links page: keep track of all the websites we use for learning, or try something new.
- View grades, assignments, and attendance at ParentVue or StudentVue.
Our Mission:
All students in Room 130 will do their best and get ready for 5th grade.