Class activities for Wednesday, March 29

Reading: Today was a reading day in Literature Circles. Groups finished their magazines and will begin working on a project later this week. We also had WEB, our silent reading time.   

Language Arts: Students continuted to prewrite and plan their next piece of writing, due April 13. We discussed how important it is to choose an interesting topic to write about, and that personal narratives are usually easier to write as students don’t have to create new characters, plots or settings.

Spelling: We completed a word preview today, and spelling worksheets were made available. Past and current spelling worksheets are also available on the Spelling resources page. Students can practice at home by studying the Level Four Core Word list and practicing words on their Words to Learn list.

Math: Students worked in groups to practice multiplication, or worked with reading and writing large numbers and powers of 10. Homework is to complete Math journal pp. 138-139.

A math test over multiplication is coming next week. A way to prepare is to make sure your student is practicing multiplication facts if they are not yet mastered. Games at are one way to practice.

Science: We journaled what we learned about pitch, length of vibrating object, and speed of vibration in our mini-sound books. We are approaching the end of this unit on sound, and will take a test over vibrations, sound, pitch, and volume soon, possibly next week.

Social Studies: We continued our cooperative learning Jigsaw project about the Three Fires people of Michigan. See Tuesday’s post for more information about the Jigsaw strategy.

Today, students worked in their expert groups to find information about their group’s main ideas, and created test questions. Homework is for students to finish answering the main idea questions on their expert group form, and to think about how they want their group to teach the information to their teams.

Visit the Social Studies resources page for more information, and stop in to the Social Studies Jigsaw blog archives for a peek at what students are working on.


  • Conferences are April 10-12. Reserve your appointment at the office windows.
  • HELP WANTED: Mr. Keilitz is looking for parents willing to help with Field Day, which is at the end of May. If you are willing to help, please fill out the form here. Thanks!
  • MORE HELP WANTED: A large collection of pop cans has been donated to the fourth grade and we are in need of someone willing to redeem them. Fill out the form here if interested.

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4 Responses to “Class activities for Wednesday, March 29”

  1. Kyle/Samantha Says:

    Where are all the coments guys.

  2. william Says:

    the three fires was a great thing to do

  3. william Says:

    the literalure circle project was good

  4. william Says:

    hi kyle

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