January 19th, 2007
Class activities for Friday, January 19
The Whale: Thar she blows! We spotted Moby Dick at the University of Michigan-Flint! He wrecked the ship, Pequod, and all hands were lost, except for Ishmael. After watching the one-man play, we got to ask questions of the actor, writer and director. We also took a tour of the backstage and set construction shop.
Spelling: None today due to the play. Visit the spelling page to download a copy of the unit 6 spelling worksheets.
Cursive: None today due to the play.
Reading: None today due to the play.
Writing: Students finished publishing their text and illustrations today. They also submitted their Reflection paper. Their final copy and reflection will be their last grade of the marking period.
Math: Today was Math Skills.
Science: None today due to the play.
The Energy Fair will be on Tuesday, January 23. Students will bring in an object that demonstrates a form of energy. They will also create a sign that states the object, primary form of energy, and any other forms of energy demonstrated. Here is an explanation of the project.
Social Studies: None today due to the play.
- Yellows: 0 magnets
- Oranges: 0 magnets
- Reds: 0 magnets
Ask your student what kind of choices they made.
The Weekly Wrap (what we did in 60 seconds):
- Spelling: /ow/ sounds and silent letters
- Cursive: worksheet pp. 57-59
- Reading: Voice, expression and oral reading fluency practice
- Writing: We published a class book–Make a Monster
- Math: Ordering, comparing, estimating, adding and subtracting decimals
- Science: forms of energy; Energy Fair on Tuesday
- Social Studies: first people of Michigan, Native Americans
- Juice Volunteers for Friday, January 26: De’Aundre and Iain. Click here for a full list of juice volunteers.
- The Candle fundraiser orders and money are due on Wednesday, January 24 at the lastest! Click here for more information about this important fundraiser for our Mackinaw trip.
- Upcoming Events: Candle sales (January 5-19); Candle orders due (January 23); Candle pick-up (February 4). See the class calendar for more information.
- We are looking for donations of medium and long cardboard tubes (have plenty of short ones, thanks!) for class projects. The tubes can be sent in any time during the year; this project will be on-going. Thanks for any help you can give!