February 29th, 2008
Class activities for Thursday, February 28 and Friday, February 29
Family members, please add your thoughts to our weekly blog post entitled, Is stealing ever ok? Check out the article and scroll to the bottom to post a comment!
Spelling: Yesterday, students added the th suffix to number words (forty to fortieth). Today students practiced their spelling words.
Cursive: No new cursive assignment this week.
Reading: Yesterday was a reading day and today was a discussion day in Literature Circles.
Writing: Yesterday and today were editing days. Today we talked about keeping a balance between general and specific information. A piece of fiction is due Monday, March 3.
Math: Yesterday, students took a math test over these concepts:
- metric measurement
- decimal addition and subtraction
- comparing and ordering decimals
- metric unit conversion
Science: Students worked on shadow puppet plays yesterday; none today.
Social Studies: None yesterday; today we started exploring a website focused on the Underground Railroad.
- Yellow magnets: 2
- Orange magnets: 0
- Red magnets: 0
- STAR Awards: 0
- Current Hours with No Orange Magnets: 16
Check your student’s Personal and Social Growth grade at SnapGrades to see if your student moved their magnet.
- Read-a-Thon next Friday! This is the last organized fundraiser before our Mackinac trip.
- View grades, assignments, attendance and even the report card at SnapGrades.
- Check out our class calendar to stay up-to-date.
- This week’s juice volunteers (full list): Christian and Zach P. Thanks for your generosity!