Class activities for Monday, April 21

Spelling: Students completed a preview of upcoming spelling words.

Cursive: Ten cursive sentences of at least seven words each are due Friday.

Reading: Today was the final discussion day for this nonfiction cycle of Literature Circles.

Writing: During this final week of work on their I-Search projects (click here for more details), students should be…

A summary of the project:

Students will research their I-Search question using print and internet sources and create a digital presentation using PowerPoint or Google Docs presentation software. Students are collecting their research on our I-Search 2008 class wiki. Later, students will present their findings to other students who sign up to attend their talk. The presentation slides will be turned in to portfolios for a writing grade.

The I-Search presentation is due April 25, and will be presented on Monday, April 28. Students should be adding information to their Google Docs presentation by this time.

Math: Students practiced how to divide using the partial quotients method. Homework is to complete a division worksheet.

Science: Students made new Sun, Moon and Earth minibooks today.

Social Studies: We played a game to review for the test tomorrow over Europeans arriving in Michigan. Homework is to complete a review worksheet.

Behavior Update:

  • Yellow magnets: 2
  • Orange magnets: 0
  • Red magnets: 0
  • STAR Awards: 0
  • Current Hours with No Orange Magnets: 77

Check your student’s Personal and Social Growth grade at SnapGrades to see if your student moved their magnet.


  • This week’s juice volunteers (full list): Austin and Emma. Thanks for your generosity!fundraising-4-11-08.jpg
  • View grades, assignments, attendance and even the report card at SnapGrades.
  • Check out our class calendar to stay up-to-date.
  • Visit our Mackinaw Field Trip page for more information on our May 9 trip.

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