September 26th, 2008
Class activities for Friday, September 26
Spelling: Today students made their Words to Learn list by correcting words they missed on the recent spelling test. This is your students custom list of words to study for the next spelling test.
Cursive: None this week.
Reading: Today was a discussion day. Students shared their questions, connections, illustrations, favorite passages with their groups.
Writing: A piece of writing was due into portfolios today; however, students who didn’t turn in their writing today will be allowed to submit the piece of writing into their portfolios on Monday. The students that still haven’t turned in their portfolio folders, or ones that fail to submit a piece of writing on Monday will be given as many recesses as they need to fix these problems.
We will continue to work on personal narratives for the next piece of writing, due October 10.
Math: None today.
Science: None today.
Social Studies: We finished learning about coal in the Southeast. Homework is to finish the Fact or Fiction worksheet by Monday.
- Yellow magnets: 1
- Orange magnets: 0
- Red magnets: 0
- STAR Awards: 0
- Magnets moved this week (goal: 10): 10
- Hours with no orange magnets (record: 28): 15
Check your student’s Personal and Social Growth grade at SnapGrades to see if your student moved their magnet.
- Congratulations to Kayla S. and Tyler, our new, class-elected student council representatives, and to Michael and Savanna, our peer mediators!
- Schedule your Fall Parent Teacher Conference online now and avoid work and family schedule conflicts.
- View grades, assignments, attendance and even the report card at SnapGrades.
- Check out our class calendar to stay up-to-date.
- Sign up for daily email updates, including activities, homework and important information.