September 24th, 2014
Class activities for Wednesday, September 24
Spelling: We reviewed forming irregular verbs (verbs that are made past tense without using -ed). This will be the skill on tomorrow’s spelling test.-ed). This will be the skill on tomorrow’s spelling test.
Cursive: Ten cursive sentences, seven or more words each, are due on Fridays.
Reading: Today was a discussion day in Literature Circles; some groups practiced making connections by thinking of something the text reminded them of.
Writing: Students had prewriting conferences by commenting on a partner’s writing, asking curious questions. We started a new writing piece today, a second personal narrative. Today, students started prewriting by making a list of ideas they would like in their story. A personal narrative is due on Friday, October 10. Your student should be
A personal narrative is due on Friday, October 10. Your student should be prewriting at this time.
Students have been given a colored file folder to use as a writing portfolio for this year. Homework is to decorate the portfolio with clippings, pictures, or illustrations and to return it by Friday for lamination.
Math: We practiced solving problems using patterns today. Students also practiced math skills using MobyMax.
Homework is to practice math for 15 minutes or more using MobyMax or Khan Academy.
Science: None today due to our reading skills practice time.
Social Studies: We learned about how American Indians had to survive using resources they could find in their environment. We learned that the Inuit had a hard environment in the ice fields, but still found natural resources to help them survive.
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Our Mission:
All students in Room 130 will do their best and get ready for 6th grade.