Class activities for Tuesday, March 29

Spelling: We finished learning about rules for suffixes. We learned to change y to i before adding any suffix except ing, and to add es for words ending in sh, x, s, ch and z.

Cursive: Ten cursive sentences, seven or more words each, are due on Fridays.

Reading: Students completed a STAR Reading test today.

Writing: Students worked on finishing up their novel project. Our current project is our final fiction piece of the year. Each student has a daily writing goal of 150-300 words. The novel project is due Wednesday, March 30. Your student should be about 100% by now and revising or editing.

We also discussed our next project, called the I-Search Project. This will be an information research project about a topic of each student’s choosing. Students were asked to think of some topics and try to have one selected by Thursday.

Homework is work on writing for at least 15 minutes.

Math: We used our math time for extra work on the Space Fashion Show. We will have some extra math tomorrow.

Homework is to practice MobyMax Math or Khan Academy for at least 15 minutes.

Science: Students finished working on their Space Fashion Show project today. The Space Fashion Show is tomorrow, Wednesday, March 30 at 10 am. Family members are invited!

Social Studies: None today due to some continued discussion about class and individual behavior choices. We’ll make up this social studies time tomorrow.


  • Looking for a way to motivate your student to read at home? Try Don’t Break the Chain. It’s a simple way to building reading habits.
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Our Mission:
All students in Room 130 will do their best and get ready for 5th grade.

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