Class activities for Tuesday, June 7

Spelling: We practiced adding suffixes onto words and noticed that sometimes a suffix changes the spelling of a base word. This will be the skill tested on Thursday’s spelling test.

Cursive: No new cursive assignments this year.

Reading: None today.

Writing: None today.

Math: Students worked on geometry skills today. Homework is to practice MobyMax Math or Khan Academy for at least 15 minutes. This is the final week to finish any skills for this marking period, including division, fractions, decimals, and geometry.

Science: We compared the needs of animals and plants and noticed that both of them need air, water, nutrients, and heat, and plants also need light. We also practiced making food chains by playing food chain rummy. We reviewed the idea that food chains show where energy moves in nature (for example, energy moves from grass to rabbits to hawks). Homework is to finish the life needs review page if not done in class.

Social Studies: We learned about some times in history when people migrated to other areas. We learned that there are reasons that push people out of an area (push factors) and reasons that pull people to an area (pull factors). We also learned about different groups of immigrants that came to Michigan from other countries. Immigrants brought elements of their culture with them: food, music, religion, clothes, language.


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All students in Room 130 will do their best and get ready for 5th grade.

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