5th Grade Camp Behavior Policy 2016-2017

As you may already know our 5th grade students will be earning the opportunity to participate in an outdoor camping experience this school year. It is a wonderful opportunity to spend time with their fellow classmates and teachers while breathing in the fresh air and participating in outdoor learning activities. We look forward to camp each and every year!

Students earn the privilege to attend camp by following the high fives; respect, responsibility, empathy, integrity, and perseverance. Unfortunately, students who choose to continually not follow the high fives and receive three major office referrals will lose their privilege to stay overnight. These students will need to be picked up after dinner and may come back the next morning to participate in activities.

Any student receiving four major office referrals will have a 2 day out of school suspension to be served on the days of camp, Thursday and Friday.

Our hope is that every student will earn the right to go and not miss out on this wonderful experience. Teachers reserve the right, even if there haven’t been any office referrals, not to take a student if there is a valid concern for safety in an outdoor setting. We ask for your support in talking to your child about the importance of following the high fives.

Thank you for your support,

Rebecca Drake
Chris Howd
Melanie Brock
David Weiss

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