September 22nd, 2017
BioBlitz 2017
Today was our BioBlitz field trip. We learned about falconry, met a Conservation Officer, learned about reptiles, hunted for mushrooms, and sorted aquatic insects. Thanks to the family members that attended and helped today.
BioBlitz 2017
34 new photos added to shared album
Spelling: None today due to our field trip.
Cursive: Cursive worksheet pp. 4-6 are available and due Monday.
Reading: None today due to our field trip.
Writing: A personal narrative is due Monday, September 25. Your student should be publishing their final piece at this point, making sure their narrative is finished.
Math: None today due to our field trip.
Science: None today due to our field trip.
The Energy Fair project is due Friday, September 29. Here are the Energy Fair directions.
Social Studies: None today due to our field trip.
- Have you helped your student plan a Daily Homework Time? This is a daily (Monday through Thursday) time of 40 minutes for students to work on math, writing, math facts, cursive, or other homework. Maybe it’s right after school, or at 5 pm, or right after dinner. The idea is that your student is working each day on something to make them smarter. Here is a sample schedule and more ideas.
- Check out our class calendar to stay up-to-date.
- Sign up for a fall conference
- View links to all the websites we use in class.
- View grades, assignments, and attendance at JupiterGrades.
Our Mission:
All students in Room 130 will do their best and get ready for 5th grade.