October 8th, 2014
Class activities for Wednesday, October 8
Spelling: None today.
Cursive: Ten cursive sentences, seven or more words each, are due on Fridays.
Reading: Today was a reading day in Literature Circles; some groups worked on determining importance as a reading strategy.
Writing: We talked about how important it is to begin sentences differently, and to not use the same beginning word over and over. Sometimes writers are tempted to use the word “I” or “And” or “Then” to begin sentence after sentence. Variety is interesting.
Students also worked on editing conferences today today.
A personal narrative is due on Friday, October 10. Your student should be editing at this time.
Math: Students used MobyMax to work on math skills today.
Here’s the skills we’ve been working on lately:
Homework is to practice math for 15 minutes or more using MobyMax or Khan Academy.
Science: Students completed a MiniQuiz. We also worked on a science experiment about the digestive system. Homework is to finish the “Saliva Makes it Sweet” experiment.
Social Studies: We learned about the Plateau and Great Plains cultural regions today. Homework is to finish social studies notebook sections 3.5-3.6.
- Calling all Box Tops! McGrath is having a box tops contest through October 17. Send ’em in to help our school!
- View our daily learning targets.
- Visit our Links page: keep track of all the websites we use for learning, or try something new.
- Check out our class calendar to stay up-to-date.
- View grades, report cards, behavior, assignments, and attendance online.
Our Mission:
All students in Room 130 will do their best and get ready for 6th grade.